- 1995
- France
Since the company’s foundation, Anomalie’s multi-disciplinary philosophy has helped to nurture a spirit of collaboration, an art of collective creation whereby the singularly physical powers of trapeze theatrics, acrobatics and aerial choreography are combined in a spirit of shared risk-taking. This collective spirit is evident in the way the group’s members engage with each new creation. The diverse spectrum of styles covered by the company’s productions reflects Anomalie’s open-ended artistic philosophy.
In addition to the circus arts, two other broad forms of expression are of particular importance to the company: dance and theatre. Dance reflects the acrobat’s need to come back down to earth, the omnipresence of touch in their acrobatic exploits, the deconstruction of gestures, respect for the body and choreographic inventiveness. Theatre, meanwhile, is all about questioning, discourse, narration and the space in which performance occurs.
Anomalie encourages all of its members to pursue their own individual artistic experiences, including an array of solo projects and collaborations with other companies. This approach, or philosophy, helps to establish a constant flow of ideas which shapes the group’s identity while honouring its collective spirit.