- 2004
- France
Collectif Petit Travers is an association bringing together a variety of projects from the fields of circus performance, dance, theatre, visual arts and graphic design.
Operating within this collective, the Printemps des Croque-Morts is a trio composed of two jugglers and a trapeze artist, all trained at the Lido, who switch between improvisation and rigorous composition as they explore the limits of gestural performance (juggling, corporal expression and trapeze-aerial acrobatics). The end result is a distillation of their most original results, capturing the imagination with their evocative power. An expressive visual language imbued with ambiguity and an essential imbalance, examining different sensibilities and revealing multiple identities in all their complexity.
The aesthetic philosophy of Petit Travers is materialist, hedonistic and thus naturally individualist.
Plus d'infos
- Website : Collectif Petit Travers
- Facebook : Petit Travers