- Belgique
- Interprète
Eliott began his career as one half of the comic duo Les Frères Taquin: a visual show combining elements of mime and clowning which won first prize at the Festival mondial du cirque de demain in Paris in 1988. After 4 years of this creative partnership, Elliot embarked upon a solo career.
Elliot is a truly unique humourist, part rock’n'roller, part clown, part poet and always totally funny. Over the years he has become an artist of international standing, racking up performances and festivals with athletic stamina: over 1,500 shows in more than 20 years on the stage.
This impressive, eclectic career was recognised with a singular honour in September 2011, when the Comédie Française invited him to join.
Elliot is now a full member of the prestigious company, appearing in performances from the classical repertoire as well as works by contemporary authors. For the time being, his solo career is on hold.
Plus d'infos
Mimos 2001