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Le petit chaperon rouge

  • Duration: 50 min
  • France
  • Young audience
  • 539 vues

Cie Démons et Merveilles

An irresistible combination of simple, joyous masks, sumptuous costumes, a finely-selected soundtrack and imaginative stage design for an original, emotional retelling of one of the Brothers Grimm’s most famous tales.

As a child, who can honestly say they weren’t worried that the mean old wolf would eat Little Red Riding Hood?
Démons et Merveilles present their own, poetic retelling of this timeless tale. Making deft use of masks (which lends the piece a cartoonish feel at times), theirs is a story filled with finesse and tenderness, finding the poetry and beauty in Little Red Riding Hood’s bravery.
This is an entirely wordless retelling of the Grimm classic, brought vividly to life by an immersive soundtrack, inventive staging, simple, joyous masks and costumes, expressive acting and clever stage design. A thoroughly modern interpretation that will appeal to audiences of all ages, bringing back some long-lost memories.


Distribution and legal informations

Conception / Directed by: Xavier Jollivet, Hélène Taudière
Accessories / Costumes / Décor: Sylviane Rosière
Stage design: François Cotillard
Lighting: Philippe Fournier
Music: Jean-Louis Cortes
Stage manager: David Boutin ou Alain Moreau
Production: Festival de Théâtre Masqué d'Avrillé
Directed by: Groupe Démons et Merveilles


More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2003

Contenus associés

  • France
    Cie Démons et Merveilles

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