- Duration: 1h10
- Spain
- For all
- 510 vues
Cor de Teatre
A comic choir takes the audience on a journey of musical discovery. In a series of scenes which fly by at a breathless pace, they reinterpret famous melodies in their own inimitable style with plenty of humour, physicality and a cappella virtuosity.
Allegro explores the day-to-day relationship we all have with the musical universe which surrounds us: a heady trip, led by fourteen a capella vocalists who explore and erase the boundaries between classical music and elegant visual comedy, illustrating the extent to which art informs our environment and helps us make sense of the mysteries of life.
An enchanting experience, packed with energy, Allegro succeeds in repositioning classical music at the heart of our universal experience.
Distribution and legal informations
Musical director: David Costa
Stage direction: Paco Mir
Musical arrangements: Pere-Mateu Xiberta
Performers: David Costa, Laia Frigolé, Glòria Garcés, Joan Garcia, Mariona Ginès, Albert Gràcia, Enric López, Alicia Lorente, Ignasi Marco, Anna Mateo, Laura Pla, Adriana Planagumà, Joan Rigat, Jorge Tello
Photo credit:Francis Aviet
More informations
- Place of capture : Le Théâtre
- Collection : Mimos 2018