- Duration: 1 h
- Belgium
- For all
- 1134 vues
Cie Babafish
An elderly man is comfortably installed in his armchair, ready to leave this world behind; but his memory keeps playing tricks on him. As the implacable countdown continues, he grasps at memories which seem to melt away, those final moments slipping between his fingers…
What if, before popping our clogs, we could relive just one memory, have just one more spin of the wheel? Expiry Date is the latest creation from BabaFish, a female-led company who form part of the exciting new generation of Belgian theatre. This is the company’s second show, a reflection on the passage of time and the inevitable twilight of the passions. With its subtle combination of physical theatre, acrobatics and the theatre of objects, Expiry Date blurs the line between past and present. Exploring the spaces between nostalgia, happiness and despair, long-lost passions are restored to life to create a moving portrait of a man nearing his end. Expiry Date reminds us that every memory, no matter how passionate, will one day be forgotten, reminding us of the importance of savouring those priceless, fleeting moments before the lights go out, before the “allotted time” runs down… In order to retrace the story of a life, with all its struggles and moments of beauty, the company’s four actor/dancer/jugglers make use of a magnificent array of astonishing mechanical creations: an hourglass, an aquarium decoration battling the water, dominoes, flames and more.
Distribution and legal informations
- Concept / Performance: Anna Nilsson, Luis Sartori do Vale, Laura Laboureur, Jef Stevens
- Directed by: Sara Lemaire, Anna Nilsson
- Choreography consultant: Hun-Mok Jung
- Light design: Philippe Baste
- Stage design concept: Jan Nilsson, Anna Nilsson
- Sound / stage design: Raimon Comas Franch
- Set construction: l’ATELIER (ASBL Devenirs)
- Theatrical consultant: Bauke Lievens
- Produced by: BabaFish
- Co-produced by: Humorologie (Belgique), Theater op de Markt/Dommelhof (Belgium)
- Creative residencies: Theater op de Markt/Dommelhof (Belgium), La Balsamine (Belgium), Circuscentrum (Belgium), Latitude 50-Pôle arts du cirque et de la rue (Belgium), Humorologie (Belgium), Espace Catastrophe, Centre International de Création des Arts du Cirque (Belgium), La Roseraie (Belgique), Vor-mingsCentrum Destelheide (Belgium)
- Supported by: Vlaamse Overheid (Belgium), Vlaamse Gemeen-schapscommissie (Belgium)
More informations
- Place of capture : Le Théâtre
- Collection : Mimos 2015