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La Voile

  • Duration: 15 min
  • France
  • For all
  • 1042 vues

Étoile de Mer

La Voile, an aerial duet with a tree.

Embark upon a sensory, dance-led promenade through a park, then marvel at an aerial performance way up in a tree…
Dancer Jenny Gallego finds inspiration in a park and invites the audience to join her for a “sensory, danced” promenade. The walk is broken up with a series of playful yet moving moments: sensory games, group choreography (composed on the spot) and a host of other unexpected experiences. The idea is to put the audience at the heart of the performance, enhancing our awareness of our bodies, as well as our connection to one another and to nature...
The culmination of this exploratory promenade comes at the foot of one of the park’s grand trees, with an aerial spectacle devised and performed by Nomad (Philippe Bost): La Voile. Fifteen airborne minutes in which the aerial silks are transformed into a sail and the tree becomes a ship! It’s almost time to weigh anchor, letting the wind and sail guide you towards the desires it inspires. To have… To hold… To co-exist… Observing the currents and distance travelled from eight metres aloft, and glimpsing the Earth...

Distribution and legal informations

  • Created and performed by: Jenny Gallego, Philippe Bost (aka Nomad)
  • Production: Cie Etoile de Mer
  • With the support of: La Grainerie (Fabrique des arts du cirque et de l’Itinérance de Toulouse); École de Cirque Kérozen et Gazoline; Quai des Arts Cie Malabar
  • Photos credits: Francis Aviet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Jardin des Arènes
  • Collection : Mimos 2016


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