- 1999
- France
Pyramid’s intrinsic creative energy has breathed new life into an under-appreciated urban art form that has never been more relevant and unifying. The company made its name by organising and staging an international hip-hop battle, which draws bigger crowds year on year and has put Rochefort firmly on the hip-hop map. This event has helped to create a real buzz among the town’s young people, converting many into passionate hip-hop dancers. In the meantime the company has invested in training, taking on an important educational role and opening its own dance school.
Since its inception, Pyramid has worked constantly to refine and promote its artistic vision. Informed by the values of respect, tolerance and open-mindedness, the company’s philosophy is all about engaging with different people, cultures and points of view, shedding prejudices and celebrating the power of diversity.
As for dance, for Pyramid this timeless art form is a language, a physical vocabulary. Sometimes powerful, sometimes gentle, sometimes future-facing and sometimes looking back to our roots.
Pyramid has always been a company deeply connected to its native region, committed to sharing, educating, promoting access to culture and helping young people to face up to their responsibilities.
Every year on the first weekend of June the company hosts its legendary International Hip-Hop Dance Battle, an event which has become a highlight of the cultural calendar over the past decade.
Plus d'infos
- Web site : www.cie-pyramid.fr