- 2003
- France
The company’s five founders met in 2001 at the Lido circus school. Vincent and Benjamin hail from Campelières (Mougins Circus School), and specialise in duo acrobatics. Mickaël, Morgan and Etienne arrived fresh from Britanny. The former is an acrobat, the latter a duo of jugglers.
They became firm friends and collaborators on stage and off, and soon began to plot their artistic futures together. Compagnie Sacékripa was born, along with their first ever street performance show - Tourne autour – which toured throughout Europe and beyond from 2003 to 2012.
In 2004 they joined forces with two Flemish friends for Who goes on?, which also toured Europe and won the Young Circus Talent award in 2004.
In 2009, looking for new ways to bridge the gap between the stage and the audience, creating a brand new performance environment, they joined forces with Nienke Reehorst for a new show – Coulisse – which toured across Europe and Latin America.
In 2012, an itch to experiment with solo performance led Etienne to explore the performing possibilities of everyday objects. Combining elements of object theatre, miniature circus arts and accidental clowning, his show Vu follows the adventures of a meticulous, sensitive and extravagantly tidy character.
Also in 2012, Benjamin and Mickaël built their own little big top in which they presented their new show Marée basse, a comedy featuring two surly, alcoholic ex-acrobats.
Compagnie Sacékripa offers an exhilarating blend of daring juggling, physical prowess, acrobatic humour, hugs and helping hands…
Plus d'infos
- Learn more : sacekripa.com