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  • Duration: 50 min
  • France
  • For all
  • 671 vues

Cie Pipototal

An immense metal vessel dominates the stage. Clinging to this artificial island are a few ragged survivors, the final witnesses to some lost civilisation. They are drifting away from a world in steady decline, their survival dependent on the workings of this demanding, insatiable machine…

Like some extravagant toy set, a monumental machine (thirteen metres in diameter!) worthy of Jules Verne or Leonardo da Vinci, this show is based on a breath-taking mechanical contraption, a spinning stage which acrobats twist and turn upon, to the sounds of a live band. Veering between balance and imbalance, they craft an evocative narrative framework upon which spectators can cast their own stories, their bodies striking up a dialogue with the metal machine and its strange sounds. Ultimately, the technical spectacle is subsumed by the power of the story. Powered solely by human energy, the machine gradually reveals itself to be increasingly mobile and full of surprises. A perfect metaphor for the boundless imagination of this show, imbued with a strange, fantastical charm. Basculoscopia is a story of human survival in a post-apocalyptic technological dreamscape, a spectacular and eerily poetic fairy tale.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Design/Direction: Philippe Geffroy
  • Performers: Sophie Berger, Antoine Bersoux, Amanda Brisson, Raphael Gardrat, Mathilde Gorisse, Amaury Jaubert, Alizée Oudart, Baptiste Pinaud (actors), Jérôme Desigaud, Simon Kastelnik,  François Labat, Naomi O’Sullivan (musicians)
  • Production: Cie Pipototal
  • With support from: La Grainerie ; Théâtre dans les Vignes ; Les Plasticiens Volants ; Ecole Pistil Circus ; Conseil Général de l’Ariège ; Conseil Général Midi-Pyrénées ; Festival de l’Oh ! ; Le Hangar à Amiens ; Festival Pisteur d'Étoiles

More informations

  • Place of capture : Esplanade Badinter
  • Collection : Mimos 2013