- Duration: 30 min
- France
- For all
- 654 vues
Echappées Belles is a show in two parts, the first of which, Issue de Secours, is a walking performance which makes use of public spaces, their constraints and architectural advantages, their uses, dangers and social visibility in order to shine the spotlight on these “ageing beings.” The second part, Point de Fuite, is a single-location performance which takes place at night.
Throughout the play urban spaces and their specificities are treated as artistic partners and sources of new situations. The seven actor-dancers, all of a certain age (60-80), interact with the urban landscape as they explore various interwoven themes: the mobility of elderly people in public spaces, the intrusion of advertising and commerciality, habitat and the lived environment, isolation and overcrowding.
Combining lightness of touch and underlying profundity, humour and poetry, theatre company Adhok tackle the subject of time past and time still to come. A theatrical, choreographic tableau in which the bodies do the talking. Ageing is synonymous with grief and renunciation, but it also offers countless opportunities for renaissance… whatever your age!
Distribution and legal informations
- Created by: Doriane Moretus, Patrick Dordoigne
- Performed by: Christiane Colard, Françoise Loreau, Irène Palko, Claudette Walker, Dominique Gras, Wolfgang Kleinertz, Guy Delamarche Régie: Achil Bras, William Defresne
- Sound design: Erwan Quintin, Guillaume Patissier
- Light design: TILT
- Costumes: Fabienne Desfleches, Mélanie Clenet, Caroline Briemel
- Production: Cie Adhok
- Residency and creative support: Le Parapluie - Centre International de création artistique à Aurillac ; L’Atelier 231 - Centre national des arts de la rue à Sotteville-lès-Rouen ; La Paperie – Centre national des arts de la rue à Angers (projet réalisé dans le cadre du TER en partenariat avec la ville de Saint Hilaire de Riez) ; Le Fourneau - Centre national des arts de la rue (www.lefourneau.com) ; Le Moulin Fondu – Centre national des arts de la rue à Noisy-le-Sec ; Le Boulon - Pôle régional des arts de la rue à Vieux Condé
- With the support of: Réseau Déambulation ; Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Île-de-France
- Writing supported by: SACD (in partnership with DGCA)/ Auteurs d’Espace Public
More informations
- Place of capture : Place de la Clautre
- Collection : Mimos 2013