- Duration: 45 min
- France
- For all
- 927 vues
Mastoc Production
Seven women of very different ages, personalities and backgrounds make their way into the crowd, establishing their own spaces and presenting themselves for (self-)contemplation. This performance is a sensitive exploration of women and their mysteries, their emotions, their place in society, their relationships with others, including men, the fragility of feelings… and the hope at the end of it all.
Seven: a holy number aligned with demystification and revelation. Seven: the number of women occupying this public space, at once open and intensely intimate. With this performance, theatre company Mastoc Production offers an insightful look at the feminine condition and all its attendant joys, pains and desires. Through subtle touches and carefully choreographed hints, the performers evoke a vast spectrum of lived experience: violence endured, nights out with friends, love affairs, societal roles, family expectations… all shot through with an enduring sense of hope. A show in which the performers’ bodies are an endless source of collective and individual imagery, combined to compose a series of living, moving tableaux.
Distribution and legal informations
- Concept/Choreography/Artistic direction: Carine Kermin
- With artistic input from: Marlène Koff, Vincent Gillois
- Vocal coach: Lousse
- Music: Régis Baillet
- Creative consultant: Richard Sammut
- Performers: Solène Cerutti, Carine Kermin, Marlène Koff, Delphine Pluvinage, Lucile Rimbert, Esther Suel, Karine Vayssettes, and Lupita Kermin-Gillois for certain performances
- Production: Cie Mastoc Production
- Coproduction: Grand Théâtre de Lorient-Scène conventionnée danse ; Atelier 231- Centre national des arts de la rue de Sotteville-lès-Rouen ; Centre Chorégraphique national de La Rochelle/Poitou-Charentes/Kader Attou/Cie Accrorap ; Usines Boinot-Centre national des arts de la Rue en Poitou-Charentes de Niort
- Support and three-year backing: Région Poitou-Charentes ; Conseil général des Deux-Sèvres ; Ville de la Mothe-Saint-Héray
- With assistance from: Ministère de la Culture/DRAC de Poitou-Charentes
- Artistic residency: Espace Tartalin-Maison Pour Tous d’Aiffres
More informations
- Place of capture : pl. du Coderc
- Collection : Mimos 2013