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The concept of … (here and now)

  • Duration: 1 h
  • Austria
  • For all
  • 728 vues

Klaus Obermaier

Blurring the lines between the real and the virtual, the ultimate fusion of the human body and digital technology. An intense experience, a perfect illusion...

In front of a giant screen, two dancers interact with a cohort of cameras… Their movements are captured by infra-red sensors and projected onto the screen, whereby their bodies become the canvas on which new images take shape. The result is a shifting kaleidoscope of strange, living, quasi-mathematical visual worlds which sometimes seem to be emanating or even escaping from the dancers’ bodies. “Who decides which movement to make: the man or the machine?” Blurring the line between the real and the virtual, Klaus Obermaier loves to subsume his performers’ bodies and physicality in a disconcerting digital universe. With his latest creation, the choreographer/artist has taken a bold new step. He has constructed a system of projectors and infra-red sensor-cameras, trained upon the movements of two dancers. The performers thus find themselves thrown headlong into a living, moving graphical universe: their movements are projected onto the screen, but at the same time their bodies are illuminated by more projected images. This is a true artistic performance, pushing well beyond the frontiers of a standard dance recital, or even a contemporary dance show. A corporeal, temporal performance. A choreography which makes subtle use of its raw materials, deftly combining lights, video, perspectives and the real-time power of bodily movement.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Artistic design/Direction: Klaus Obermaier
  • Assistant artistic director/Story: Cristina Barbiani
  • Additional programming: Stefano d’Alessio
  • Choreography: Marta Capitani, Federica Cucinotta, Sara de Santis, Klaus Obermaier
  • Performers: Barbara Autiero, Sara de Santis
  • Music: José M. Sanchez-Verdu, Alessandro Sarlatti, Klaus Obermaier
  • Lights: Wolfgang Friedinger
  • Interactive installations: Flaminia Cavallari, Martina Menegon, Martina Piazza
  • Technical support: Daniele Cupi
  • Production: Klaus Obermaier
  • With the support of: Accademia Nazionale di Danza di Roma ; Università IUAV di Venezia-Faculty of Arts and Design ; Figurentheater-Festival Erlangen ; Institute for Theater and Media Sciences ; Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuernberg

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Théâtre
  • Collection : Mimos 2012