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Silence encombrant

  • Duration: 1 h 40
  • France
  • For all
  • 1294 vues


Amidst deafening silence, a group of men and women wander around in search of meaning, in a world of dust and debris.

An enormous skip swings open with a bang. Inside is a tangled mixture of rubbish and human beings. Slowly, gradually, a stream of men and women begin to emerge, carrying bizarre brushes. Their faces coated in dust and dried mud, they scurry back and forth bearing the remains of household appliances, furniture and a variety of other everyday objects… “You wouldn’t even leave your rubbish out in this weather!” In this astonishing silent show, Barthélémy Bompard’s troupe turn the spotlight on the ghosts of a society which has lost its way, the people we no longer see or hear. In doing so they offer a critique of the relentless “machine,” so quick to consign both products and people to the scrap heap. In a world where profitability and efficiency rule supreme, Kumulus takes the audience out to the margins, the fringes where we dispose of our unwanted items, where life persists among the ruins. This is a trip to the outer reaches of memory and oblivion, that liminal zone where the madness of wise men and the wisdom of mad men meet. A troubling, deafening silence wracked with questions and imbued with a violent beauty, not to mention humour. A tangle of different lives and memories, a street-punk symphony, the dance of the down-and-out…

Distribution and legal informations

  • Performers: Dominique Bettenfeld, Barthélemy Bompard, Jean-Pierre Charron, Stéphane Civet, Céline Damiron, Marie-Pascale Grenier, Dominique Moysan, Nicolas Quilliard, Judith Thiébaut
  • Physical direction: Judith Thiébaut
  • Sound design: Jean-Pierre Charron
  • Costumes: Marie-Cécile Winling, Catherine Sardi
  • Set design/construction: Dominique Moysan
  • Make-up: Anne Vergneault
  • Technical direction: Simon Lambert, Djamel Djerboua
  • Grants: Atelier 231-Centre national des arts de la rue/Sotteville-lès-Rouen ; D.G.C.A. ; Le Moulin Fondu-Centre national des arts de la rue/Noisy-le-Sec ; La Paperie-Centre national des arts de la rue/St Barthélemy d'Anjou ; Le Parapluie–Centre international des arts de la rue/Aurillac ; Pronomade(s) en Haute-Garonne ; Centre national des arts de la rue ; Quelques p’Arts… ; Le SOAR-Scène Rhône-Alpes/Boulieu-lès-Annonay ; S.A.C.D./Auteurs d’espace public ; Usines Boinot-Centre national des arts de la rue /Niort
  • With the support of: The Company is an associate of Quelques p’Arts… le SOAR – Scène Rhône-Alpes and an
  • accredited artistic partner of: Ministère de la Culture/DRAC Rhône-Alpes ; Région Rhône-Alpes ; Département de la Drôme
  • Photos credits : Maurice Melliet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Place de la Clautre
  • Collection : Mimos 2012
