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Oh Suivant !

  • Duration: 1 h
  • Belgium
  • For all
  • 1028 vues

Cie D'Irque et Fien

An astonishing acrobat-juggler-mime-clown who masters the knack of combining technique, humour and improving with the public.

A table, a chair, bouncing balls, a pianist (Fien) and a virtuoso juggler-acrobat (D’Irque)… A few moves, a couple of quick glances and a ring of a bell are enough to get a spectator to pick up a juggling ball, throw one, pick up the towel that fell on the ground, strike a cup, remove their shoes…

D’Irque (Dirk Van Boxelaere) leads the spectators into an atmosphere of surprising techniques and poetic simplicity by playing with everyday objects with the virtuosity of a juggler, the audacity of an acrobat and just a touch of humour.


In Oh Suivant!, D’Irque is accompanied by Fien, his accomplice pianist. Using only a table and chair as his set, he sits down to a fresh and personal circus act before the indulgent gaze of the public.

Distribution and legal informations

Design: Dirk Van Boxelaere
Direction/Choreography: Dirk Vans Boxelaere
Music Sound: Alain Reubens
Costumes: Monique Jacobs, Lieve Vans Herwegen
Actors: Dirk Van Boxelaere, Fien
Production: Compagnie D'Irque / Fien

More informations

  • Place of capture : Parc Gamenson
  • Collection : Mimos 2007

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