- 1978 - 2019
- Germany
- Interpreter
- Stage director
Based in Berlin but born in Potsdam, Gregor Wollny grew up in Weimar and attended the Berlin circus school before embarking on a professional career which has taken him to Canada, Singapore, Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, the Netherlands, etc.
In 2003 he founded his own company, whose repertoire includes Verschollen im Ärmelkanal (2008), Gregor Wollny “Solo” (2006), Gregor Wollnys wilder Wohnzimmerzirkus (2005). Gregor Wollny has always had a remarkable talent for connecting with audiences old and young, inviting them to plunge headlong into his farcical, comical world. He stumbles from clanger to clanger like nobody’s business... But he still has plenty to say for himself... And when his measuring tape starts transforming itself into an array of wild beasts, he’s not the only one to be stunned into silence…