- 2007
- France
Franck Stalder personally hand-sculpts the puppets he uses on stage, having developed a unique and unusual system to manipulate his creations: a mess of bars, sticks and strings, a mixture of new and recycled parts which exist independently of the puppets.
The company’s first shows were wordless, with music playing an essential role in the dramatic development.
Choses & Autres (2015) and Contre Mémoire (2018) were the first shows to incorporate text, sprung from the pens of Jacques Prévert of Pierre Dodet, while the puppets grew to near-human size.
For each new creation Franck Stalder collaborates with a host of musicians and performers from a variety of backgrounds, each bringing their own unique artistic sensibility to bear on the resulting performances.
Plus d'infos
- Learn more : la-curieuse.com/artiste/cie-haut-les-mains/