- 1995
- France
This Marseille-based collective started out by occupying whole buildings and organising itinerant happenings with theatre on every floor.
They subsequently expanded their work in unexpected places, both indoors and outside: for Katoffeln, the world is a playground. They draw upon our shared culture and territories to offer a poetic perspective on social issues – fault lines, unspoken wounds – drawing out their liberating potential in the process. The company has built up a repertoire of nimble, adaptable forms, allowing them to reach out to audiences and areas often forgotten by the cultural community.
But why Kartoffeln? Because it sounds a bit classier than ‘The Potatoes’. Because the company was founded in the lonely expanses of the German countryside. Because there are a thousand and one ways of cooking them. No bread required. And because everybody likes them…
Plus d'infos
Mimos 2019