- 2003
- France
Annabel Guérédrat has performed with a variety of traditional and contemporary West African and Brazilian dance companies and created several shows. She studied under Mark Tompkins in 2003 and learned Butoh under Sumako Koseki, the Japanese master in 2004.
Founding her own company enabled her to create embodied and vocal readings in homage to Jean Genet, Georges Bataille, Antonin Artaud, Henri Michaux... creating several solo, group and outdoor Performances/Installations. She has also made dance videos and a short film.
In recent years, Annabel Guérédrat has concentrated on an in-depth approach to the human body in relation to its immediate environment, whether natural, cultural or institutional. She seeks to rediscover the evolutionary process of the birth of man, the transition from quadruped to biped, in her quest for a form of movement that is ancient, original and rooted.
Having settled in the Lozère department in direct contact with the Parc des Cévennes, she continues to produce dance actions in the medical and educational milieux, in prisons and in accommodation centres for the homeless in the Languedoc-Roussillon region.
Plus d'infos
- Website : http://artincidence.fr/