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L'homme suspendu

  • Duration: 1 h
  • Europe
  • Tout public
  • 503 vues

Théâtre Alfred

Four mimes perform to the sounds of the flute.

Three men and women, most of the time joined at the feet, present eleven visual tableaux intended to grab the audience by the collar. They move to the sounds of improvised music from Jiri Stivin, one of Europe’s foremost jazz flautists.
The atmosphere is fantastical, the tension palpable. An original combination of mind and body that points the way to unexplored lands, an invitation to escape. Starting with the basic building blocks of mime, the performers use their imagination to craft a show of compelling symbolic power.
Imagined as a study for feet, legs and gravity, this performance seeks balance in the vertical as well as the horizontal plane, pushing equilibrium to its absolute limits.


Distribution and legal informations

Photos credit : Maurice Melliet


More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 1998

Contenus associés

  • Europe
    Théâtre Alfred

    A hilarious reflection on what it really means to break something.