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L'Homme Debout (Hommage à Decroux)

  • Duration: 1h30
  • France
  • Tout public
  • 530 vues

Théâtre du Mouvement

The Théâtre du Mouvement pays tribute to Étienne Decroux.

Étienne Decroux one of the most important figures in 20th century theatre, restored mime to the pantheon of theatrical arts. This show celebrates the French mime tradition, a truly unique artistic heritage. The names of the discipline’s most celebrated masters should dispel any lingering doubts: Decroux, Barrault, Marceau, Lecoq...
The National Theatre Institute and UNESCO declared 1998 the international year of mime, with 13 November baptised "Decroux day" in honour of the centenary of his birth.
Le Théâtre du Mouvement has invited special guests Thomas Leabhart (USA), Jean Asselin and Denise Boulanger (Québec-Canada) to join in the celebrations. All have taught at the École Étienne Decroux, and share their treasured memories of that experience on the stage. The show includes images from rehearsals, including Decroux’s famous exercise Prise de verre en 26 poses, as well as pieces originally composed by the master himself and a brand new original creation from the Théâtre du Mouvement.


Distribution and legal informations

Photos credit : Maurice Melliet


More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 1998

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