- Duration: 45min
- France
- Tout public
- 632 vues
Théâtre du Mouvement
Stalingrad, he dashes off a final letter to his wife, Marie, to inform her that he is near death.
“Marie, I am writing to you again even though I only wrote yesterday. Things have reached such a point that it is time for me to bid you farewell. I won’t be coming back, Marie, but space and time are the only things which could come between us…”
A metaphor which becomes clear over the course of multiple variations on the theme of carrying: bearing the weight of the absence of a beloved other.
Distribution and legal informations
Created and performed by: Catherine Dubois and Lucas Thiery
Directed by: Lucas Thiery
Consultant director: Claire Heggen
Light Etienne Dousselin
Music: Richard Dubelski
Costumes: Fanny Mandonnet
Photos credit : Maurice Melliet
More informations
- Collection : Mimos 1991