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Encore une heure si courte

  • Duration: 1 h 15
  • France - Spain
  • For all
  • 1287 vues

Théâtre du Mouvement - Claire Heggen

A humorous, poetic performance, an ingenious combination of songs and geometrically-aligned bodies… Mime, music, the theatre of objects and acrobatic bravura are all wrapped up in a tale as absurd as it is naive, all infused with a sense of breathless imagination.

Three men emerge from boxes; their movements, unusual to say the least, seem to be a mixture of acrobatic excess and precisely-controlled gestures. Our three adventurers gradually explore this unknown, potentially hostile environment. From boards to boxes, boxes to cubes, cubes to sheets of paper, they soon find themselves submerged and surrounded by a glut of damaged sounds and objects, lost amid a chaos of their own creation…


What can you do with a wooden box? Any number of incredible things, like escaping a shipwreck, overcoming fear and exploring the outer limits of equilibrium before plunging headlong into a flood of paper, all in the course of one strange and marvellous journey…
Encore une heure si courte is like Buster Keaton playing Beckett! Based on musical compositions by Georges Aperghis, Claire Heggen directs a meticulously-crafted construction with astonishing precision.


First performed in 1989, Encore une heure si courte has become one of the most iconic works of the Théâtre du Mouvement. It embodies the cross-disciplinary appeal of her work: acrobatic prowess meets the musicality of movement, as the actors’ performances complement the rhythm of the words and the constant interplay of materials and objects.
The piece establishes a constant dialogue between movement and music, injecting the space between with humour and playfulness.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Director: Claire Heggen
  • Music: Georges Aperghis
  • Sound designer and musical consultant: Richard Dubelski
  • Light designer: Étienne Dousselin
  • Costumes : Jean-Jacques Delmotte
  • Assistant director: Joana Castell
  • Performers: Pau Bachero, Albert Mèlich Rial, Alejandro Navarro Ramos
  • Produced by: Théâtre du Mouvement, Pau Bachero
  • With the support of: Teatre Principal de Palma de Mallorca, Institut d’Estudis Balearics
  • Le Théâtre du Mouvement is an official partner of the Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Île-de-France

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace, Périgueux
  • Collection : Mimos 2015


Contenus associés

  • France
    Théâtre du Mouvement

    An actress looks back on her life as a woman and artist. An interweaving of fiction and reality, person and subject, silence and speech.