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Acte sans paroles 1 et Intermède

  • Duration: 25 min
  • France
  • Tout public
  • 302 vues

Le Colombier & Le Théâtre du Cristal - Olivier Couder

A masterclass in manipulation from a troupe of extraordinary actors.

Directed by Olivier Couder, the lead roles in these two short pieces are taken by mentally challenged actors: Jean-Pierre Chinardet, Claire Delaunay, Raymond Bedu, Gérard Dold and Frédéric Foulon have a natural affinity with the work of Beckett and the mystic, mysterious internal worlds of his characters.
Actes Sans Paroles 1 is all about manipulation, while Intermède focuses on the comical relations between a patient and his doctors.
This is a show like no other, imbued with a rich sense of humanity and an exquisite comic energy.
A hymn to the uplifting power of theatre.


Distribution and legal informations

Photos credit : Maurice Melliet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 1997