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Awards (Les Oscars)

  • Duration: 1 h 30
  • Belgium
  • For all
  • 491 vues


What could possibly go wrong for an Oscar winner?

Hollywood, the dream factory and all its attendant luxury receive the comic treatment from a joyously unhinged fellow traveller. Whereas Ennio Marchetto presents the glitterati as a two-dimensional comic strip where you can instantly recognise each character, Elliot plunges headfirst into the glitz and glamour with destructive glee, offering no quarter from his farcical deconstruction.
The English text serves simply as a form of audio illustration.
This is a slice of café-theatre, facial expressions mimed with virtuoso intensity, dissecting the falsity of showbiz with ruthless yet mischievous humour.


Distribution and legal informations

Written, directed and performed by: Eric Jenico


More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Théâtre
  • Collection : Mimos 2001