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Bain Méchant

  • Duration: 1 h
  • France
  • Tout public
  • 573 vues

Cie Ikdyz

Bain Méchant is a slice of popular theatre recounting a day in the life of an apartment block.

In a three-storey building where all the rooms are identical (an ingenious stage design indicates the transition from one floor to the next) three couples, occasionally disturbed by an intrusive plumber, play out their loves, their lives and their dreams with an exuberant, inventive spirit in keeping with the finest Dadaist tradition.
The situations evoke the classic tropes of boulevard theatre, but the zeal of the performers, the sense of wild imagination and the breathless pace of the show make the whole thing wildly entertaining


Distribution and legal informations

Photos credits : Maurice Melliet


More informations

  • Collection : Mimos 2002