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  • Duration: 35 min
  • France
  • Young audience
  • 577 vues

Fabrizio Rosselli

A poetic, burlesque meditation on the unattainability of perfection…

Decked out in a black jacket and straw hat, a peculiar character handles his buckets with his own unique form of perfectionism. When things take a turn for the unexpected, the buckets assume ever more playful and inventive roles, leading the way into an absurd, dreamlike world where madness takes on a certain dignity…

With Bakéké (Haitian for bucket), Fabrizio Rosselli draws inspiration from the movements of people with obsessive disorders, unwitting mirrors of the clown’s art. Clowning and compulsion are two sides of the same coin, but at least the clown knows it… This burlesque protagonist handles his buckets with a peculiar form of perfectionism. He seems to be searching for just the right configuration, which remains frustratingly out of reach. So he starts again, stubborn as ever. This playful, poetic performance invites the audience to share in the fun, as well as the doubt: deep down, aren’t we all a bit mad? And isn’t that the point of clowning? Exploring the things which bring us together, rather than divide us, and finding uncanny resemblances in the process…


Distribution and legal informations

Created and performed by: Fabrizio Rosselli
With input from: Etienne Manceau
Production: Claire Thevenet
With support from: Le Lido (Toulouse); La Grainerie (Balma)


More informations

  • Place of capture : Square Jean Jaurès
  • Collection : Mimos 2019