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Cultivateurs de rêves

  • Duration: 4 h
  • France
  • For all
  • 976 vues

Cie Créature

Since the beginning of time, a masked, silent family has been cultivating the world’s dreams.

Les Cultivateurs de rêves are not of this world. This peculiar family travels from town to town, setting up camp in busy squares or shady gardens. Once they’ve settled in, they begin harvesting and planting all the deepest wishes, desires and secret hopes of the locals they meet…
For four memorable hours, time stands still around this strange camp where a curious band of farmers, mute and moving astonishingly slowly, hidden behind mischievous masks and red wigs, invite all comers to plant their dreams in flower pots…
A tribe of peaceful farmers helping your wishes to take root and blossom. Watching them at work offers a glimpse into a delicate, mysterious parallel universe, at once familiar and strange, filled with unfamiliar habits, sounds and rituals. Whatever your age, meeting these “farmers of the imagination” is a tender, moving experience which serves as a reminder that “a forgotten dream is like a wilted flower.” The attention to detail which has gone into creating this visceral, poetic universe has earned all manner of plaudits for this Toulouse-based company.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Concept/Director: Lou Broquin
  • Masks/Puppets/Set design/Costumes: Ateliers Créature
  • Music: Céline Cohen or Ludovic Beyt
  • Performers: Lou Broquin, Odile Brisset, Michel Broquin, Nora Jonquet, Amandine Meneau, Charlotte Presseq, Roland Gigoi, Claire Coutolleau, Claude Sanchez, Kaf Malere, Emilie Broquin, Nathalie Hauwelle, Ludovic Beyt, Yse Broquin, Richard Galbe-Delord
  • Production: Cie Créature
  • Supported by: Ville de Blagnac

More informations

  • Place of capture : Parc de l'Abbaye de Chancelade
  • Collection : Mimos 2013
