- Duration: 1 h
- Europe
- For all
- 646 vues
An immense scaffold occupies centre stage, with video screens on either side. At its heart a group of actor-musicians, decked out in flowing robes of white lace and tall black woollen hats, launch into a series of songs and chants which seem to emerge from the depths of time itself; above and around them, a host of strange characters begin to move about.
The Ukrainian dream of the “lost road” is about to begin… In Old Ukrainian, “Dakha” and “Brakha” mean “give” and “take”. And that’s exactly what Vlad Troïtsky and his troupe of dancers, musicians and actors do: they take, and then they give it back one hundredfold. The stage design alone is wildly impressive, and the combination of music, singing and dance is entrancing.
DakhaBrakha enchants the eyes and ears with an astonishing conflation of Ancient and Modern. The melodies performed by the live musicians are taken from timeless traditional songs, collected from Ukraine’s villages. The troupe draws deep from the well of Ukrainian folk singing, but takes that tradition somewhere entirely new, combining these voices with sounds and rhythms from far and wide. The company’s singular vision gives rise to an all-encompassing artistic experience, splicing this unique music with strikingly modern visual effects and staging techniques.
Distribution and legal informations
Video: Tenpoint Vjs Musical composition/performance
Live: DakhaBrakha Marko Halanevych, Nina Garenetska, Iryna Kovalenko, Olena Tsybulska
Performers: Igor Postolov, Ruslana Khazipova, Roman Iasinovskyi, Zo, Vasil'Bilous, Vyshnya, Daria Bondareva, Anna Nikityna, Volodymyr Minenko, Natalka Bida, Tetyana Gawrylyuk, Dmytro Kostyumynskyi, Solomiia Melnyk, Vika Lytvynenko-Iasinovskyi, Dmytro Iaroshenko
Production: Centre d’Art Contemporain“DAKH”
More informations
- Place of capture : Esplanade Badinter
- Collection : Mimos 2011