- Duration: 1h15
- France - Italy
- For all
- 639 vues
Opinioni in Movimiento
The Trinity is an infernal vision of femininity. The creation of the world is a work in progress. On the sixth day, the archetypal stallion makes his appearance: Adam. Shortly afterwards he is joined by Eve. And that’s when things start to go wrong… The apple, the flight from paradise… And yet, Adam and Eve never asked for much. But that’s the way of the world, and the unerring curse which hangs over desire.
Laura Scozzi presents the latest instalment of her adventures in F.E.I.R.: External Factors seeking Individuals for Results…
After her explorations of fear and anger, this most Italian of French choreographers turns her attention to the antithetical “culture” of desire and disgust. Laura Scozzi takes an unflinching look at the life of a couple, from the beginning through to the break-up, examining the conflicting emotions experienced by both partners in the most testing moments. With forensic precision the choreographer shines a light on our foibles and reactions using the media of mime, voices and contemporary dance, in scenes ranging from the deadly serious to the frankly ridiculous.
Distribution and legal informations
Director: Laura Scozzi
Choreography: Laura Scozzi (with Elena Bertuzzi)
Stage design and accessories: Princesse Cécile
Costumes: Jean-Jacques Delmotte, Isabelle Mathieu
Lighting: Frédo
Sound: Jean-François Thomelin
Production manager: Ludovic Bouaud
Stage manager: Frédéric Plou
Script: Inspired by Joseph Delteil
Music: Bach, Bigaglia, Glück, Marini, Monteverdi, Pergolese, Rameau, Rebel, Telemann, Vivaldi
Performers: Eloy Casanova, Sylvie Cavé, Jaime Flor, Karine Girard, Laura Scozzi, Olivier Sferlazza, Cécile Theil
Co-produced by: Compagnie Opinioni in movimiento; Scène Nationale de Sénart; Théâtre Scène Nationale d'Angoulême; Espace Michel Simon de Noisy le Grand
Soutien: ACT'ART 77; Conseil Général de Seine et Marne; DRAC d'Ile de France - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication; ADAMI
Photos credits : Maurice Melliet
More informations
- Place of capture : Le Théâtre
- Collection : Mimos 2004