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  • Duration: 35 min
  • France
  • Young audience
  • 595 vues

Le Mouton Carré

What if the appearance of an emotion were an event in itself? A dreamlike odyssey…

Ficelle, a touching little character consisting of threads and a pointed nose leads us on a merry dance through a world of sound and vision.
What if the appearance of an emotion were an event in itself?
Ficelle's different threads take us to different worlds, alternately fragile, fertile and hostile. A poetic game of hide and seek orchestrated by a puppet master and a musician. Leading where? To discover space, the passage of time or the existence of Others. Here the threads fall from the sky and are linked to infinite possibilities.
The Mouton Carré company presents a story (but is it really a story?) built around little nothings, emotions and all the little things that make up the very essence of life. A performance that interweaves visual and musical poetry to create timeless moments, travelling in a world of dreams and imagination.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Directed by: Nathalie Avril
  • Stage design and puppets by: Bénédicte Gougeon
  • Music by: Romain Baranger
  • Lighting: Jordan Lachèvre
  • Players: Bénédicte Gougeon (puppets), Romain Baranger (music, sound effects)
  • Produced by: Le Mouton Carré
  • With the support of: Région Pays de la Loire; SPEDIDAM; La Cour de Baisse à St Hilaire de Riez; Centre culturel Les Salorges à Noirmoutier-en l’Île; Cinéma Les Yoles à Notre Dame de Monts; Théâtre du Champ de Bataille à Angers; Hyper U de St Hilaire de Riez

More informations

  • Place of capture : Chapelle Bertran-de-Born
  • Collection : Mimos 2017