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Foi(s) 3.0

  • Duration: 30 min
  • France
  • For all
  • 871 vues

Collectif AOC

To believe or not to believe? To be or not to be? To stand up or to let yourself go…

In a ceremony devoid of confessions, three men prepare themselves. For a challenge, an exploit, a chance to surpass themselves. One speaks, encourages and motivates one of the others, who falls under the spell of his words and allows himself to be manipulated. “Do you believe in me? I believe in you”. The first leads the way, the second rises to the challenge, both carry each other forward, spur each other on, attempt to scale the wall which towers over them. The third, with the help of a bass guitar and an array of machines, cloaks their endeavour in an atmospheric soundtrack, with pulsations both earthly and ethereal. Unity, submission, domination, hesitation… Circus as metaphor for the competing forces at play within otherness, the rival ‘I’s at the heart of our identity. And at the centre of it all sits a trampoline, gateway to the great leap, an invitation to fly. And to fall.
An acrobatic short piece for two trampolinists and one musician, Foi(s) 3.0 is a variation on the theme of elevation and exceeding oneself. Above and beyond its religious connotations, faith extends to trusting oneself, believing in others, and choosing a path. Whatever the ultimate goal of elevation – spiritual, emotional, artistic, sporting, professional – faith invokes images of ritual and quest. And sometimes succumbs to that which surpasses it, a form of surrender to dogma or an abandonment of the self. Foi(s) 3.0 is a subjective exploration of this idea, defined by friendship.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Director: Gaëtan Levêque
  • Music: Stéphane Podevin
  • Lights: Olivier Duris
  • Creation and performance: Sylvain Decure, Gaëtan Levêque, Stéphane Podevin
  • Produced by: Collectif AOC
  • Co-produced by: Agora Pôle National des Arts du Cirque Boulazac Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes; Festival 30/30; PPCM-Le plus petit cirque du monde, Centre des arts du cirque et des cultures émergentes, Bagneux (création)
  • Co-directed by: Festival MIMOS, Périgueux; Agora Pôle National des Arts du Cirque Boulazac Aquitaine-Limousin Poitou-Charentes
  • With the support of: DRAC Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes (Aide aux compagnies conventionnées); Région Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes; Conseil départemental de la Dordogne; Ville de Boulazac
    The company Le Collectif AOC is an official partner of Agora Pôle National des Arts du Cirque Boulazac Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • Photos credits: Francis Aviet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Cour du Lycée Bertran de Born
  • Collection : Mimo 2016
