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Heimat, où habitons nous ?

  • Duration: 30 min
  • France
  • For all
  • 523 vues

Là Où Théâtre

Julika is a fragile young woman thinking about living in…a deck chair.

Heimat is the first instalment in a cycle of performance pieces on the theme of living space. In this wordless duet between a dancer-puppeteer and a deck chair, body and object enter into a playful visual back-and-forth.
The protagonist and her inanimate partner engage in a wordless dialogue about the way in which we appropriate different spaces, exploring our relationship to objects...
Because Judika has plans to set up home on a deck chair, even if the deck chair has other ideas!
A strange, comic, sensual combination of props, physical style, language, puppetry and manipulated sound.
Là Où theatre company’s bold approach is all about treating objects as living things, drawing upon a diverse array of artistic disciplines from puppetry to the visual and performing arts.

Distribution and legal informations

Concept: Julika Mayer with help from Bruno Herbin
Choreographic advisor: Cendrine Gallezot
Assistant stage designer: Bruno de Lavenère
Sound design: Matthieu Dehoux
Co-production: Là Où Théâtre; Institut International de la Marionnette (with the backing of l'ORCCA / Région Champagne-Ardenne)
With support from: Région Bretagne
Artistic residencies: L'Aire Libre in Saint-Jacques de la Lande; Théâtre Le Strapontin - Pontscorff; Espace Périphérique - La Villette

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2005