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Jeanne d'Arppo

Jeanne d'Arppo
  • Duration: 55 min
  • Czech republic
  • Adult audience
  • 483 vues

Gardi Hutter

Jeanne d'Arppo is a washerwoman who dreams of a life of heroic deeds.

"The flights of fancy which make up this performance are largely inspired by a book: ""Joan of Arc and other heroines”. With a colander covering her stringy hair, a washboard on her enormous belly and bowls for armour, Jeanne d'Arppo is off to war. Only to end up at the bottom of the washtub, laughing as always.
Clown, mime and winner of the ‘Reinhard Ring 1990’, Gardi Hutter bounces from gag to gag, huffing and puffing, clucking, groaning and swooning her way through an hour of pure hilarity, a stupendous show worthy of the Marx brothers."

Distribution and legal informations

Crédit photos : Maurice Melliet

More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 1990