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La Montagne

  • Duration: 1 h
  • France
  • For all
  • 889 vues

Collectif Bonheur Intérieur Brut

Combining flights of fancy with social realities, this shows offers a fine metaphor for life’s challenges.

We’re all afraid of something: death, spiders, darkness, public speaking, not being loved, failure, losing, being late, the boss, kissing a boy or girl, being abandoned, other people, crossing the road, water, crowds, unemployment, being attacked, foreigners, having no money, fear itself… But the only antidote to fear is courage.
Staged on an imposing set of slopes (three 37° inclines, creating a series of sharp ups and downs), La Montagne explores the notions of fear and courage: the courage to speak and act, to face our fears, to speak their name. How can we make our bodies brave, and what actions and rituals do we need to perform to achieve that goal? How can we create a collective ethic of courage, and how can we tame our fear in order to break down the edifice of cowardice? The actors, dancers and circus performers of Bonheur Intérieur Brut transform this mountain into a metaphor for life’s challenges and how to overcome them. Alone or with others.
Sometimes frontal and sometimes circular, aligned or opposed, the sloping surfaces of the stage structure inject a sense of constant movement into the relationship between the public and the performers, a permanent game of appearances and disappearances depending on your point of view. The audience is moving too: in front of, inside or around the mountains. The spectator’s viewpoint is continuously shifting, challenging the audience to find their way into each scene, into the heart of the story...

Distribution and legal informations

  • Created and directed by: Jack Souvant
  • Stage design: Éric Soyer
  • Choreography: Kaori Ito
  • Music composed and performed by: Benjamin Moussay
  • Costumes: Adélaïde Gosselin
  • Wooden structure: Dominique Lion
  • Performers: Frank Baruk, Rémi Boissy, Aurélie Galibourg, Gilles Guelblum, Nicolas Turicchia, Isabelle Rivoal
  • Supported by: S.A.C.D. Beaumarchais
  • Writing supported by: S.A.C.D Auteurs d’espaces 2013, S.A.C.D Fond Musique de scène, Ville de Vincennes, Conseil général du Val-de-Marne, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication-DGCA, DRAC Île-de-France, Ville de Soissons, Ville de Champigny, Droit de Cité, Ateliers Frappaz-Villeurbanne, L’Atelline/Lieu de fabrique des arts de la rue Languedoc-Roussillon, Usines Boinot, Centre National des Arts de la Rue Poitou-Charente, Réseau Déambulation Paris, Le Parapluie/Centre International de Création Artistique-Aurillac, La Transverse-Métalovoice-Corbigny, Animakt, Fondation Ecart Pomaret
  • This show is dedicated to the memory of André Gintzburger

More informations

  • Place of capture : Esplanade Robert Badinter
  • Collection : Mimos 2015
