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La poème

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • France
  • Adult audience
  • 797 vues

Jeanne Mordoj

A unique, genre-defying performance which casts the female body in a strange new light, using the techniques of clowning and circus arts to craft a deeply personal, resoundingly theatrical piece.

A woman in a grey suit arrives carrying a little harmonium which looks like a cardboard suitcase. She gradually undresses, swallows eggs, spits them back out, lays them, unfurls and slowly entangles her body. Her face is a picture of painful, comic stupefaction. Of course the birthing process soon descends into farce. Fake breasts appear, detach themselves and end up being juggled in the air. An egg breaks and sends a perfectly formed yolk rolling like a bubble from one bare arm to another, over the shoulders and around the neck. For a few rare moments all of the forces appear to be in a state of equilibrium – woman, man, chicken...
With La Poème, Jeanne Mordoj continues her artistic exploration of femininity with a unique blend of physical prowess and essential weirdness, blending archaic symbols and visual gags. She puts her own body on the line, juggling with her breasts, dancing with her belly, creating a sort of ritual mask with egg shells, singing. A joyous, thoroughly strange celebration of life, the womb and the voice, expressing femininity with a simplicity which is almost primal. With her seemingly elastic face and body, and her innate gift for clowning, Jeanne Mordoj uses her movements and voice to create a uniquely personal vocabulary. Strong yet sensitive, delicate but brutal, sly but stately, ventriloquist as well as juggler and contortionist, she has the air of an ancient sorceress, intimately acquainted with the mysteries which lurk behind appearances…

Distribution and legal informations

  • Created and performed by: Jeanne Mordoj
  • Sound design: Isabelle Surel
  • Lighting design: Claire Villard
  • Creative consultant: Julie Denisse
  • Produced by: Cie BAL / Jeanne Mordoj
  • Coproducers: Les Subsistances, International laboratory for artistic creation in Lyon
  • Support (partners): Conseil régional de Franche- Comté, Ville de Besançon
  • With thanks to: Le Centquatre – the cultural centre of the Ville de Paris and Théâtre de la Bastille for their residency programmes.

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2014