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  • Duration: 50 min
  • Belgium - Italy
  • For all
  • 896 vues

Claudio Stellato

Myself and the Other coexist within the same body, oscillating between two modes of existence. Inert things come to life, while living beings float free of their earthly shells. A show which defies the laws of physics, playfully manipulating our perceptions.

A red carpet (half unrolled) sits centre stage. Upon it are two items of furniture. A man emerges from the twilight and attaches himself to the little chest of drawers, hoisting it onto his shoulders. Suddenly he is fused with the object, forming a strikingly strange living sculpture. The man lies down, his head disappearing to be replaced by the chest of drawers…

Claudio Stellato or “the art of boxing oneself in.” This exceptional dancer-acrobat-contortionist gives himself to his audience piece by piece: disjointed, headless, stretched in every direction… Playfully manipulating our perceptions, he pits himself against a series of objects endowed with strange powers. By turns deferent, complicit and threatening, each object has a life of its own and none of them like to be contradicted. The man plays on these ambiguities, avoiding, shifting and engaging with his performance partners. He bangs his toe on the wardrobe, has a run in with the carpet, ends up carrying it offstage…

L’Autre is both a feat of strength and an elaborate illusion. A ritual whose profound sense remains mysterious, in which each improbable action appears to conform to a precisely-ordered plan. A masterful performance combining elements of theatre, dance, circus arts, object theatre and optical illusion.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Concept/Choreography/Direction: Claudio Stellato
  • Performed by: Martin Firket, Claudio Stellato
  • Creative partner: Martin Firket
  • Assistant: Chiara Ribera d’Alcalà
  • Stage design/Costumes/Sound/Light: Martin Firket, Claudio Stellato
  • Production: Fangule
  • Co-production: L’L(Lieu Recherche et Accompagnement pour la jeune création) à Bruxelles ; Les Brigittines–Centre d’Art contemporain du Mouvement et de la Voix de la Ville de Bruxelles, TAKT–Dommelhof ; Noorderzon Performing Art Festival/Grand Theatre Groningen ; De Pianofabriek kunstenwerkplaats ; l’échangeurscène conventionnée de Fère-en-Tardenois ; manège.mons/CECN ; TechnocITé
  • With the help of: Ministère de la Culture de la Communauté française Wallonie-Bruxelles ; Service de la Danse ; Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (SACD)
  • With the support of: CDC Les Hivernales ; Théâtre des Doms

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Palace
  • Collection : Mimos 2013

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