- Duration: 45 min
- France
- For all
- 691 vues
Cie Escale
A woman chants softly in the shade of a tree, all the while challenging the law of gravity. Her body adopts amazing stances, then rolls itself in airborne veils of sheets suspended from the branches of a tree. Another woman soon joins her, then a man, and finally a couple, forming a very fluid duo about love. Having come together in a park, as if in a meeting place, they reveal their ambitions, doubts and things that make them angry.
The result of an artistic laboratory on the relationship between movement and words, Les Mots derrière la Vitre explores how the body acts out a text, consolidating it and delivering it. The show intersperses contemporary texts with highly choreographed airborne scenes alternating between sensuality and a wild energy. Solos and duos come to life in different parts of the stage, as if to reveal floating islands of intimacy.
Because of rain, this show was played inside.
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A collective creation
Directed by: Hugues Hollenstein
Text: Godard, Salvayre, Durringer…
Background sounds: Arnaud Coutancier
Lighting: Nicolas Le Clézio
Sound: Régis Molinier
Actors: Véronique Chabarot, Grit Krausse, Jennifer Leporcher, Hugues Hollenstein, Benoît Armange
Production: Compagnie Escale
Subsidised by: Ministère de la Culture / DRAC Centre; Conseil Régional du Centre; Conseil Général de l'Indre; Ville de Joué-les-Tours
Creative residency: Théâtre du Centaure à Marseille; Ville de Joué-les-Tours ; Atelier à Spectacles à Vernouillet
More informations
- Place of capture : Jardin des Arènes / Centre culturel de la Visitation
- Collection : Mimos 2006