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L'étrange Mister Knight

L'étrange Mister Knight
  • Duration: 1h
  • Belgique
  • Tout public
  • 452 vues

Théâtre de la Mandragore

L'étrange Mister Knight invites the audience to discover a new form of theatrical expression: the cinemodrama.

"Working from a script inspired by Frankenstein, four mime actors transpose the style and techniques of silent cinema to the stage. All of the classic features are present and correct: exaggerated reactions, outrageous make-up, stilted movements, sudden changes of speed...
And it’s all strangely believable. The audience cries, shudders and laughs like the original audience of a silent film."

Distribution and legal informations

"Written by: Bruce Ellison
Directed by: Bruce Ellison
Assistant Director: Michel Carcan
Stage design: Paul Tignee
Costumes: Dominique Astasie, Martine Carcan
Music: Marc Hérouet
Cinematography: Suzon Fuks
Produced by: Théâtre de la Mandragore
Performers: Thyl Beniest, Jacques Cappelle, Michel Carcan, Bruce Ellison, Sarah Lowe"

More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 1990