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" Malsangre ou les 1001 nuits du poète"

" Malsangre ou les 1001 nuits du poète"
  • Duration: 1h15
  • Czech republic
  • For all
  • 448 vues

Teatro del Silencio

Malsangre ou les mille et une nuits du poète is a celebration of the life of adventure, travel and poetry led by Arthur Rimbaud.

"Choral dances, solo tableaus, pantomime, acrobatic arts, Oriental inspirations and costumes, rock, jazz and African music.
Styles and rhythms collide and harmonise to recreate the frantic life of the poet, from his childhood in Charleville to the deserts of Abyssinia and Somalia.
Malsangre ou les mille et une nuits du poète is an epic spectacle, bursting with colour and performed by sixteen virtuosos of movement, directed by Théâtre du Soleil alumna Ariane Mnouchkine."

Distribution and legal informations

"Directed by: Mauricio Celedon
Music coordinator: Jorge Martinez
Stage design: Carlos Bloomfield,Grety Lerma
Costumes: Claudia Verdejo
Costume for Balinese puppeteer: Pancho Delgado
Lighting: Carlos Bloomfield, Patricio Parra,  Fandango Nuñez
Sound: Carlos Irarrazabal, Francisco Araya
Musicians: Jorge Martínez, Marcos Espinoza, Alejandra Muñoz, Nelson Rojas
Video archives: Francisco and Pablo Salas
Graphic design: Jaime Herrera
Performers: Carlos Araya, Renzo Briceño, Lili Corronado, Claudia Fernández, Carolina Fuentealba, Andres Garcia, Luis Hormazábal, Claire Joinet, Agustín Letelier, Isidora Moulian, Poli Muñoz, Fandango Núñez, Patricio Parra, Sergio Pineda, Gloria Salgado, Juan Cristóbal Soto, Claudia Verdejo, Jessica Walker, Nicolas Allendes, Andrea Cruz, Cael Orrego, Camila Osorio Ghigliotto, Pamela Quero
Production: Teatro del Silencio, Romero & Campbell Producciones de Aéte Independiente.
Photos credit : Maurice Melliet"

More informations

  • Place of capture : Place Mauvard
  • Collection : Mimos 1993