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  • Duration: 1 h 15
  • France
  • For all
  • 809 vues

Narcisse Theatre, Sara Ducat

Showcasing the brightest young talents in French mime and physical performance…

MIMESIS invites several companies to present short-form performances over the course of an evening. This line-up of young talent is a testament to the renewal and dynamism of contemporary mime and physical performance, offering a snapshot of the current “state of the art:” theatre of movement, mime, masks, visual theatre, corporeal mime, dance theatre, corporeal theatre, physical theatre and more.

Distribution and legal informations

  • Created by: Cies Hippocampe / Les Éléphants Roses / Mangano-Massip / Platform 88
  • Performed by: Compagnie Macadâmes, Compagnie Narcisse Théâtre, Compagnie Sara Ducat, Compagnie Hippocampe, Compagnie Mangano-Massip, Compagnie Platform 88, Compagnie Les Elephants Roses 
  • With the support of: Festivals de Théâtre de la SACD 
    This show was made possible by the generous support of the DGCA

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Théâtre
  • Collection : Mimos 2014