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  • Duration: 1h25
  • Russie
  • Tout public
  • 528 vues

Teatre Licedei

Moumie is a hilarious clowning performance.

"A succession of clowns enter a prettily-decorated room.
One of them tries in vain to lay his head on an invitingly plump pillow, but the pillow has other ideas. A chase ensues, culminating in a dramatic fight between clown and pillow.
The protagonist finally gives up and asks one of his fellow clowns to knock him out with a mallet, so he can finally get some sleep.
But the second clown refuses. Reaching the end of his tether, the first clown riles up his recalcitrant colleague with a red Soviet flag. A fleeting image whose poetic power and sense of irony sum up this unique performance.
The clowns of Teatr Licedei exist in a state of profound dissatisfaction with the world in which they live. "

Distribution and legal informations

"Conception: Teatr Licedei
Performers: Valery Keft, Leonid Keikine, Viktor Soloviev, Anvar Libabov, Anna Orlova
Stage design: Boris Petruschansky
Production: Teatr Licedei (Saint-Petersburg)
Photos credit : Maurice Melliet"

More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 1993

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