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Nez en moins

  • Duration: 50 min
  • Germany
  • For all
  • 386 vues

Habbe et Meik

Nez en moins is the first mime show with which Habbe and Meik toured Europe.

The French premiere of Nez en moins was a major turning point for Habbe and Meik, opening doors all over Europe and leading to a series of victories in prestigious festivals.
In this show the uncontrollable mime/clown duo clamber through the audience, armed with a map and compass, before embarking upon an epic struggle to climb a ladder… A rollicking blend of laughter and emotional moments, infused with a child-like sense of fun.


More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 1996

Contenus associés

  • Germany
    Habbe et Meik

    Mime and mask theatre inspired by television.