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Theater Tuig

A poetic blend of theatre, music structure and sculpture.

A gigantic structure made of wood and cables, topped off with a huge wheel, is dragged onto the stage by three silent servants under the watchful eye of their Master. Thanks to their efforts the improbable contraption gradually comes to life… But, blinded by the speed and strength of the machine, the Master keeps on demanding more. The servants protest, the machine spins out of control. And the short-lived king meets his doom, tangled up in the spider web of cables. The next day, a new king has already taken his place.

Amid this imposing décor, like something dreamt up by the Brothers Grimm, Dutch company Theater TUIG delivers a technological fable, which sits somewhere between fairy tale and nightmare. Music is an integral part of the show, a twisted reflection on the drive for success, the thirst for power, the blind ambition which makes men willing to trample over friendships, fellow travellers and nature itself.


How can we go back, find some kind of balance? Perhaps by seeking out the root of this evil? Humble workers, the women and men who toil in the shadows and make the Masters’ opulent lives possible, guide us on this quest.

Distribution and legal informations

Directed by: Mark van Vliet
Written by: Anke Boerstra,  Jos Thie
Music: Jeroen van Vliet
Technicians: Freek Ros, Lucas Steenhuis, Wilco Alkema
Performers: Anneke Hofman, Job Rebergen, Johannes Bellinkx, Merel  Voorsluis, Eefke Dings
Produced by: Theater TUIG

More informations

  • Place of capture : Berges du Moulin du Rousseau
  • Collection : Mimos 2010

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