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  • Duration: 1 h
  • France - Italy - Spain
  • For all
  • 1255 vues

Drawing on everything from commedia dell'arte and silent cinema, to puppetry, cabaret and the aesthetic innovations of Kantor, this masked performance evokes a world where humans are wandering helplessly, lost and in search of new alternatives.

“There is no alternative”: with this bullish maxim, Margaret Thatcher trumpeted her belief that capitalism and globalisation were necessary and inevitable phenomena, ushering in the era of establishment conformism and neo-liberalism… A rhetorical device so powerful it became an acronym: T.I.N.A. And yet, in recent times the unstoppable march of capitalism has begun to look a little less inevitable…
This shows is a crusade, an adventure in which the artists offer a fantastical, critical take on phenomena which are supposed to be irreversible. The evocative, gestural language of this collective creation blends multiple codes and eras to offer a humorous look at decadence, the absurdity of the world and our irresistible lust for life.
Our era is undergoing a crisis without precedent, an age of rampant cynicism, discredited elites and despondent people… The artists who make up Troisième Génération have witnessed first-hand the ravages of this capitalist system which is now beginning to show its limitations. Taking Margaret Thatcher’s dictum very literally indeed, they imagine a world of total inertia peopled by wanderers no longer capable of communicating with one another. Imbued with a wicked sense of humour, they use masks and movements (the masks lend a sense of puppetry to their performances) to show how, with a bit of effort and motivation, we can all overcome the pervasive sense of inertia and find new alternatives...

Distribution and legal informations

  • Directed by: Sergi Emiliano i Griell
  • Performers: María Cadenas, Agnès Delachair, Sergi Emiliano, Arianna F. Grossocordón, Guillaume Le Pape, Mattia Maggi
  • Masks: Julie Bossard
  • Set design: Rafael Fuster
  • Lighting: Denis Schlepp, Joanna Borderie
  • Production: Cie Troisième Génération
  • With the support of: Plateau du Groupe Geste(s), and financial backing from Direction Générale de la Création Artistique du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication ; l’Odyssée, scène conventionnée de Périgueux ; Mairie d’Anduze ; Collège d’Espagne de la Cité Universitaire de Paris

More informations

  • Place of capture : Centre Culturel de la Visitation
  • Collection : Mimos 2013
