- Duration: 25 min
- France
- Young audience
- 1334 vues
Fiat Lux - Didier Guyon
There are days like that when we would prefer to stay in bed. Because it's cold outside. Because the school bus is always crowded. Because the day starts with a maths lesson and we don't like maths. There are days like that when we would prefer to stay in bed…
Children sometimes find it hard to wake up in the morning. They want to stay in bed. They don't want to go to school… The Fiat Lux theatre company highlights the phenomenon in this creation.
Burlesque, deliciously zany, the show is totally wordless. However, music is ever-present (extracts from ten piano pieces by Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition); it evokes pictures, real slices of life that border on the fantasy world of fairy tales. The real and dream worlds are often confused in timeless scenes of childhood and adolescence. With total corporal commitment, Un Matin evokes and provokes the imagination and fills us with wonder. It uses magic, not as a skill to be highlighted, but as a tool to advance a story, a lever to boost the dream-like aspect of the narrative. The scenography adds to the impact of the message. Everything is either black or white, except for a few touches of colour at rare moments. Objects have their own lives that upset the smooth progression of this somewhat hazy morning wake-up…
Distribution and legal informations
- Designed and directed by: Didier Guyon
- Accessories, artistic collaboration: Barbara Gay, Gérald le Guilloux
- Costume design: Morgane Lemeunier
- Scenography and direction: Brice Taillandier
- Performer: Ian Su
- Produced by: Compagnie Fiat Lux
- Co-produced with: Ligue de l’Enseignement des Côtes d’Armor
- Residencies: Villa Carmélie; Conservatoire de Musique, de Danse et d’Art dramatique de Saint-Brieuc; 7bis&Cies - Lieu mutualisé de création destiné aux compagnies de spectacle vivant de l’Agglomération briochine
- With the support of: Région Bretagne; Département Côtes d’Armor; Ville de Saint-Brieuc; Agglomération de Saint-Brieuc
- Photos credits : Francis Aviet
More informations
- Place of capture : Chappelle Bertran-de-Born
- Collection : Mimos 2017