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Yellow - Le Clown jaune

  • Duration: 30 min
  • Europe
  • For all
  • 454 vues

Slava Polunin

A clown with an emotional punch.

Slava Polunin is an alumnus of St. Petersburg’s celebrated Licedei clown company, and one of its greatest exports.
Polunin is perhaps the most philosophical and poetic of this new breed of clown. But this time he is not alone on the stage, which he shares with his Brazilian partner Angela de Castro. Dressed in yellow – the colour of madness, sunshine and dreams – he confronts the inexorable cruelty of objects, which are somehow nastier than they used to be!
But, fortunately for us, Polunin is an optimistic pessimist who always wins in the end.


Distribution and legal informations

Photos credit : Maurice Melliet


More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Théâtre
  • Collection : Mimos 1997