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  • Duration: 45 min
  • France
  • For all
  • 113 vues

Munstrum Theatre

Post-apocalyptic clowning inspired by some of the great catastrophes that have scarred history.

Post-apocalyptic clowning inspired by some of the great catastrophes that have scarred history. In this slyly humorous critique of contemporary society and its excesses, Munstrum Théâtre embraces the power of disaster to deliver a stunningly effective social and political farce, a portrait of a world rapidly losing all meaning, making it harder than ever to know where you stand. Joyously iconoclastic!


The video is available on the website's french version.

More informations

  • Place of capture : Square Jean Jaurès
  • Collection : Mimos 2021

Contenus associés

  • France
    Munstrum Theatre

    Post-apocalyptic clowning inspired by some of the great catastrophes that have scarred history.