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Discover the catalog, with a selection of shows scheduled in Périgueux during Mimos.

385 result(s)
  • Czech republic
    Théâtre de l'ange fou
    An homage to the grand master of French mime, Étienne Decroux.
  • Brésil
    Roland Zee
    Roland Zee puts his body on the line with hilarious results.
  • France
    Marcel Marceau
    Le manteau is a show revered by mime artists all over the world.
  • Czech republic
    Dog Troep
    Masts, beastly machines, long-haired monsters popping out of holes… like something out of the twisted visual universe of Jerome Bosch.
  • France
    "No horses, pears or naked women", the Zygom'Art duo deliver a series of unscripted, nonsensical sketches, as funny as they are absurd.
  • Czech republic
    Howard Buten
    Buffo is not the name of a show. It is the name adopted by Howard Buten when he is “clowning around”.
  • Russie
    Teatre Licedei
    Seeing the ridiculous side of Chernobyl
  • France
    Théâtre du Mouvement
    A simple rule which becomes a complex dramatic game: she must not leave the ground.
  • Czech republic
    Teatro del Silencio
    Malsangre ou les mille et une nuits du poète is a celebration of the life of adventure, travel and poetry led by Arthur Rimbaud.
  • France
    In the centre of the earth, four characters meet: a fish, a snake, a jaguar and a bird.
  • Czech republic
    La Pythie is a dance performance addressing the theme of seduction.
  • Europe - Slovaquie
    A series of sketches, by turns poetical, satirical and absurd.
