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Les Forts Partagés

  • Duration: 1 h 30
  • France
  • For all
  • 952 vues

Cirque Aïtal - Kaisuke Kanaï, François Chat, Gilbert Epron, Lucie Boulay, Jorg Muller

A line-up of artists where humour is intermingled with contemporary creation.

Object theatre, choreography with a baton and Lycra, a puppet on a string, aerial acrobatics: a line-up of exceptional artists proposed by the Centre national du mime.

Humour, amazement and surprises are guaranteed on this stage that is both "intense" and "shared" by artists ranging from the youngest to the most experienced.

The Centre national du mime promotes a renewal of contemporary mime based on an accepted history of corporal stage arts. Effort is a fundamental part of movement, combining thought and action. Contemporary mime is accessible, fun and uncompromising, proving yet again that it knows how to make us laugh, that it is simple and popular.

Distribution and legal informations

Design: Etienne Bonduelle
Coordination: Pascale Laborie
Technical director: Patrick Hude
Actors: Kaisuké Kanai, François Chat, Lucie Boulay, Gilbert Epron (Le Grand Manipule), Jörg Müller, Kaï Leclerc, Mélissa Von Vépy (Compagnie Moglice) - Von Verx, Cirque Altaï

More informations

  • Place of capture : Le Théâtre
  • Collection : Mimos 2007

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